Department of Health Promotion


Chief Senior Researcher


oral health, tobacco control


Original papers

1 Tano R, Miura H, Oshima K, Noritake K, Fukuda H. Relationship between career education experience among final-year dental hygiene students and their perspective towards work and profession: A nationwide survey in dental hygiene schools of Japan. International Journal of Dental Hygiene.2022;20:203-208. doi: 10.1111/idh.12535.

2 <Research Data>TANO Rumi, MIURA Hiroko, , NORITAKE Kanako, OSHIMA Katsuo, MIZUGAI Hiroyuki, FUKUDA Hideki. The employment number of years in the first job desired and view of employment in the dental hygienist student of final year by the nationwide survey in Japan. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health. 2021;70(5):598-606.

3 Rumi Tano, Hiroko Miura, Katsuo Oshima, Kanako Noritake, Hideki Fukuda. The Relationship between the Sense of Coherence of Dental Hygiene Students in Their Graduation Year and Their View of the Profession and Attitude to Work: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(24). doi:10.3390/ijerph17249594.

4 <Research Data>TANO Rumi, MIURA Hiroko, AOYAMA Hitoshi, OZAKI Tetsunori, TAMAKI Yoh, YOKOYAMA Tetsuji. Current status and issues of smoking cessation efforts in dental clinics in Japan: Tobacco control based on interprofessional collaboration. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health 2020;69:73-82.


1 TANO Rumi, HIRANO Tomoyasu. Preventing tobacco use among young adults has significant implications for public health in the future. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health. 2023;72(1):52-61.

2 TANO Rumi, MIURA Hiroko. Necessity and practical examples of promotion of tobacco control in dentistry. Journal of the National Institute of Public Health. 2020;69(4):338-347.


1 OGAWA Hiroshi, HANIOKA Takashi, OJIMA Miki,TANO Rumi. WHO Monograph on Tobacco cessation and oral health integration (in Japanese). Tokyo: Oral Health Association of Japan;2021.